Playwright, Lyricist, Director, Translator
Director 1982
Playwright 1981
Translator, Director 1981
Director 1980
Playwright 1980
Director, Translator 1979
Playwright, Lyricist 1979
Playwright 1977
Robert Gebert
Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child and 4 others
William Gluth
Worked with on Buried Child and 4 others
Malcolm Robertson
Worked with on A Manual of Trench Warfare and 3 others
Peter Corrigan
Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child and 2 others
Maggie Millar
John Arnold
Worked with on Buried Child and 1 other
Robin Cuming
Gary Files
Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child and 1 other
Robert Hanson
Worked with on Miss Julie and 1 other
Wendy Robertson
Worked with on Australia Majestic and 1 other
Sam Shepard
Howard Stanley
Michele Stayner
August Strindberg
Worked with on Dance of Death (1981) and 1 other
Janet Ashelford
Worked with on General MacArthur in Australia
John Black
Neil Bourke
Worked with on Bertolt Brecht Leaves Los Angeles
Richard Bradshaw
Ross Browning
Rodney Charls
Worked with on A Manual of Trench Warfare
Geoffrey Clendon
Worked with on Buried Child
David Collins
Patrick Cook
Peter Cowan
Gene Van Dam
Worked with on Australia Majestic
Lindy Davies
Peter Deane-Butcher
Robert Dein
Terence Donovan
Worked with on Miss Julie
Benjamin Franklin
Clem Gorman
Robert Harrison
Tessie Hill
Ross Hill
Solrun Hoass
Yvonne Hockey
Brian Holmes
Peter Hosking
Worked with on Curse of the Starving Class / Buried Child
Jackie Kelleher
David Kendall
Worked with on Dance of Death (1981)
Richard Mackay-Sollay
Kirsten Mander
Michael Manuell
Sally Marsden
Sandra Matlock
Julie McGregor
Sean Myers
Steve Nolan
Marguerite Pepper
Frank Phillips
Kim Royle
Kevin Scanlon
John Shortis
Neil Simpson
David Slingsby
Yasuhiko Uchida
Worked with on Yamashita (1977)
Lisa Waters
Felix Werder
Bevan Wilson
William Zappa
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