David Pledger


Shows worked on

David Pledger has worked with...

Linda Aitken

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 2 others

John Beckett

John Beckett

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 2 others

Matthew Crosby

Matthew Crosby

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 2 others

Carrillo Gantner

Carrillo Gantner

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 2 others

David Roberts

David Roberts

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 2 others

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 2 others

Tony Bartuccio

Tony Bartuccio

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 1 other

Jane Bayly

Jane Bayly

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 1 other

Anna Broinowski

Anna Broinowski

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 1 other

Stuart Greenbaum

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 1 other

Robert Hay

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 1 other

Melita Jurisic

Melita Jurisic

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 1 other

Lech Mackiewicz

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 1 other

Wenanty Nosul

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 1 other

Mark Pegler

Mark Pegler

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 1 other

Ian Scott

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 1 other

Serge Aubry

Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth

Alan Clarke

Alan Clarke

Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth

Peter Curtin

Peter Curtin

Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth

Laura Doheny

Laura Doheny

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour)

John Donghia

Worked with on The Flat: A Temporary Thing

Shaun Gurton

Shaun Gurton

Worked with on The Flat: A Temporary Thing

Leon Paul Ingulsrud

Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth

John Ioannou

Worked with on The Flat: A Temporary Thing

Ellen Lauren

Ellen Lauren

Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth

Andrew MacPherson

Worked with on The Flat: A Temporary Thing

Joel Markham

Joel Markham

Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth

Stuart McKenzie

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour)

Steve Meier

Worked with on The Flat: A Temporary Thing

Marina Milankovic

Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth

Michael Mitchener

Worked with on The Flat: A Temporary Thing

Katia Molino

Katia Molino

Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth

David Murray

Worked with on The Flat: A Temporary Thing

Ross Murray

Worked with on King Lear (2003 - Tour)

Justin Napier

Worked with on The Flat: A Temporary Thing

Ray Nardella

Worked with on The Flat: A Temporary Thing

Bruce Naylor

Bruce Naylor

Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth

John Nobbs

John Nobbs

Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth

Marie Orchard

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour)

Jaime Robertson

Worked with on King Lear (2003 - Tour)

Jamie Robertson

Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour)

Olivier Sidore

Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth

Anne Stewart

Worked with on The Flat: A Temporary Thing

Tadashi Suzuki

Tadashi Suzuki

Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth

Jennie Tate

Jennie Tate

Worked with on The Flat: A Temporary Thing

Karen Trott

Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth

Paul Turner

Worked with on King Lear (2003 - Tour)

Kylie Webb

Worked with on The Chronicle of Macbeth