Actor (Australian tour dates only), Actor
Actor 2002
Actor 2001
Actor (Australian tour dates only) 2000
Actor 1999
Tammy Anderson
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Melbourne) and 3 others
Kylie Belling
David Chesworth
Wesley Enoch
Jane Harrison
Richard Roberts
Matt Scott
Pauline Whyman
Richard Dinnen
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Melbourne) and 2 others
Stan Yarramunua
Tiffany Noack
Worked with on Stolen (2001 - UK Tour) and 1 other
Glenn Shea
Kate Blenheim
Worked with on Casting Doubts
Heather Bolton
Tony Briggs
Worked with on Stolen (2000 - Tour)
Suzanne Clarke
Tammy Clarkson
Darryl Cordell
Isaac Drandich
Wendy Gregory
Worked with on Stolen (1999 - Tour)
Phil Haby
Wendy Harris
Robyne Latham
Armando Licul
Natasha Marich
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Melbourne)
Lisa Maza
Bruce Morgan
LeRoy Parsons
Robbie Patten
Morgan Randall
Peter Rotumah
Maryanne Sam
Frank Stoffels
Naretha Williams
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