Scenic Artist
Scenic Artist 1994
Scenic Artist 1992
Linda Aitken
Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 1 other
John Beckett
Stuart McKenzie
Tony Bartuccio
Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour)
Jane Bayly
Faye Bendrups
Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas
Blair Broadhurst
Anna Broinowski
George Butrumlis
Michael Carman
Matthew Crosby
Jim Daly
Barry Dickins
Laura Doheny
Michele Forbes
Carrillo Gantner
Neill Gladwin
William Gluth
Stuart Greenbaum
Kim Gyngell
Robert Hay
Melita Jurisic
Lech Mackiewicz
Ross Murray
Mikkel Mynster
Wenanty Nosul
Colin Orchard
Mark Pegler
Dan Persse
David Pledger
Brian Reynolds
David Roberts
Jamie Robertson
Ivan Smith Romero
Ian Scott
William Shakespeare
Jill Smith
Katherine Spence
Robert Taylor
Helen Thomson
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