Producer, Adaptor, Actor
Actor 2011
Producer, Co-Producer, Adaptor 2008
Actor 1999
Thomas Wright
Worked with on Baal and 1 other
Martin Blum
Worked with on The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark
Heather Bolton
Bertolt Brecht
Worked with on Baal
Alyson Brown
Worked with on The Sick Room
Beth Buchanan
Celia de Burgh
Kate Cherry
Lotte St Clair
Stephen Clements
Peter Curtin
Ditch Davey
Isaac Drandich
Beverley Dunn
Luisa Hastings Edge
David Franzke
Brigid Gallacher
Adam Gardnir
Stefan Gregory
Geraldine Hakewill
John Francis Howard
Guy Kable
Asher Keddie
Erin Lambie
Shelly Lauman
Gerald Lepkowski
Brian Lipson
Christina Mananis
Alex Ben Mayor
Rhys McConnochie
Franz Moritz
Nicol Morrow
Arlo Mountford
Steve Mouzakis
Adrian Mulraney
Torquil Neilson
Lisa Osborn
Merfyn Owen
Melissa Page
Richard Pyros
Aleks Radovic
Richard Roberts
Judy Rutherford
Chris Ryan
Nick Schlieper
Matt Scott
Stephen Sewell
William Shakespeare
Rob Stewart
Simon Stone
Katherine Tonkin
George Webech
Ari Wegner
Mark Leonard Winter
Tom Wright
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