Actor, Designer, Director
Actor 2013
Actor 1984
Actor 1983
Actor 1982
Actor 1980
Actor 1979
Director 1979
Designer, Director, Actor 1978
Actor 1978
Actor 1977
Robert Gebert
Worked with on Long Day's Journey into Night and 3 others
Yvonne Hockey
Worked with on Antony and Cleopatra and 2 others
Sandra Matlock
Worked with on Comedians and 2 others
Malcolm Robertson
Worked with on Long Day's Journey into Night and 2 others
Suzanne Baron
Worked with on Alison Mary Fagan and 1 other
Nancy Black
Lindy Davies
Worked with on Fool for Love and 1 other
William Gluth
Worked with on Bertolt Brecht Leaves Los Angeles and 1 other
Robert Harrison
Worked with on Comedians and 1 other
Wendy Robertson
Charles Bud Tingwell
Ruth Aldridge
Worked with on Antony and Cleopatra
Roy Baldwin
Worked with on Fool for Love
Amiri Baraka
Worked with on Dutchman
Axel Bartz
Worked with on No Man's Land
John Beckett
Worked with on The Propitious Kidnapping of the Cultured Daughter
Graeme Blundell
Worked with on A Bit of Rough
Ken Boucher
Worked with on Long Day's Journey into Night
Neil Bourke
Worked with on Bertolt Brecht Leaves Los Angeles
Shane Bourne
Worked with on Comedians
Rupert Burns
Margaret Cameron
Carl Carmichael
Ron Challinor
Tia Clark
Worked with on Hate (2013)
Stephen Clark
Maria Cleary
Barry Conyngham
Murray Copland
Rex Cramphorn
Debbie Cumming
Henry Cuthbertson
Eamon D'Arcy
Joy Dunstan
Barry Eggington
Cliff Ellen
Eric Engelbogen
Stewart Faichney
Gary Files
Gilly Fraser
Anna French
Frank Gallacher
Ben Geurens
Brian Gibbons
Russell Goldsmith
Trevor Griffiths
Robert Hanson
Peter Harvey
John Heywood
Solrun Hoass
Rosalea Hood
Ros Horin
Paul Jackson
Gary Kliger
John J.F. Lee
Glenda Linscott
Kirsten Mander
Monica Maughan
Ian Mawson
Robert Meldrum
Robert Menzies
Mark Minchinton
Dayna Morrissey
David Murray
Sean Myers
Eugene O'Neill
Colin Orchard
Deborah Pelling
Harold Pinter
Grant Piro
Marion Potts
Roger Pulvers
Greg Rinkler
Michael Secker
David Selbourne
Worked with on Alison Mary Fagan
Stephen Sewell
William Shakespeare
Sam Shepard
Medina Sumovic
Jennie Tate
Karen Trott
Tanya Uren
Lisa Waters
Tom Webster
Felix Werder
Ross Williams
Sara Wiseman
John Wood
Wayne Woods
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