Brooke Lee

Brooke Lee


Shows worked on

Brooke Lee has worked with...

Bridget Balodis

Bridget Balodis

Worked with on Stay Woke and 1 other

Rachel Lee

Rachel Lee

Worked with on Stay Woke and 1 other

Mark Pritchard

Mark Pritchard

Worked with on Stay Woke and 1 other

Matilda Woodroofe

Matilda Woodroofe

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf and 1 other

Rose Adams

Rose Adams

Worked with on Stay Woke

Lucy Ansell

Lucy Ansell

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Tia Clark

Tia Clark

Worked with on Hello, World!

Emily Collett

Emily Collett

Worked with on Hello, World!

Anna Cordingley

Anna Cordingley

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Beau  Esposito

Beau Esposito

Worked with on Stay Woke

Bernadette Fam

Bernadette Fam

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Casey Filips

Casey Filips

Worked with on Hello, World!

Justin Gardam

Justin Gardam

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Jack Green

Jack Green

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

David Harris

David Harris

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Natasha Herbert

Natasha Herbert

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Cheryl Ho

Cheryl Ho

Worked with on Hello, World!

Kevin Hofbauer

Kevin Hofbauer

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Keegan Joyce

Keegan Joyce

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Jess Keepence

Jess Keepence

Worked with on Stay Woke

Karine Larché

Karine Larché

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Amelia Lever-Davidson

Amelia Lever-Davidson

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Matthew Lutton

Matthew Lutton

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Emily Milledge

Emily Milledge

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Ian Moorhead

Ian Moorhead

Worked with on Hello, World!

Christina O’Neill

Christina O’Neill

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Rosemary Osmond

Rosemary Osmond

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Dushan Philips

Dushan Philips

Worked with on Stay Woke

Lyndie  Li Wan Po

Lyndie Li Wan Po

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Eva Rees

Eva Rees

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Karl Richmond

Karl Richmond

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Zoë Rouse

Zoë Rouse

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Natesha Somasundaram

Natesha Somasundaram

Worked with on Hello, World!

Cessalee Stovall

Cessalee Stovall

Worked with on Stay Woke

Kaivu Suvarna

Kaivu Suvarna

Worked with on Stay Woke

Aran Thangaratnam

Aran Thangaratnam

Worked with on Stay Woke

Katherine Tonkin

Katherine Tonkin

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Keziah Warner

Keziah Warner

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf

Jethro Woodward

Jethro Woodward

Worked with on Hour of the Wolf