Actor 2002
Actor 2001
Actor 2000
Actor 1999
Actor 1996
Actor 1995
Actor 1986
Greg Stone
Worked with on Rapture and 4 others
Rachel Burke
Worked with on Rapture and 3 others
Fiona de Garis
Worked with on Salt and 2 others
Helen Morse
Worked with on The Twilight Series and 2 others
Kate Blenheim
Worked with on Crazy Brave and 1 other
Judith Cobb
Hugh Colman
Worked with on Good Works (1996 - Tour) and 1 other
Kim Durban
Nick Enright
Rodney Hall
Worked with on The Twilight Series and 1 other
Glenn Hughes
Aubrey Mellor
Bruce Myles
Andrew Pendlebury
Jill Smith
Worked with on A Return to the Brink and 1 other
James Wardlaw
Tammy Anderson
Worked with on The Twilight Series
Janet Andrewartha
Worked with on Good Works (1995)
Jane Anstead
Worked with on Spookhouse
Mike Bishop
Julia Blake
Worked with on Salt
Beverley Boyd
Brett Climo
Worked with on Crazy Brave
Angela Coffey
Barry Conyngham
Murray Copland
Joseph Couch
Benjamin Cowen
Peter Curtin
Maggie Dence
Worked with on Good Works (1996 - Tour)
Richard Divall
Marg Downey
Worked with on Rapture
Vanessa Downing
Elizabeth Drake
Victoria Eagger
Robert Essex
Frances Farmer
Dale Ferguson
Lewis Fiander
Worked with on A Return to the Brink
Harvey Fierstein
David Franzke
Jan Friedl
Andrew S. Gilbert
Myra de Groot
Michael Gurr
Vivien Hamilton
George Harlem
Natasha Herbert
Roxane Hislop
David Hobson
Sue Hunt
Richard Jeziorny
Michael Leighton Jones
Lucas de Jong
Jackie Kelleher
Jenny Kemp
Laura Lattuada
Christian Leavesley
Tania Leong
Armando Licul
Rachael Maza Long
Alan Maguire
Lisa Maza
Belinda McClory
John McDowall
Mandy McElhinney
Stephen McIntyre
Stuart McKenzie
David McSkimming
Rohan Meddings
Rajendra Moodley
Debra Moon
Peta Murray
Joanna Murray-Smith
David Ngoombujarra
Trina Parker
Neil Pigot
Ailsa Piper
Merlyn Quaife
Malcolm Robertson
Maryanne Sam
Justine Saunders
Jon Sidney
Joseph Spano
Robert Taylor
Fiona Todd
Alison Whyte
Simon Wilton
Lexie Wood
John Bolton Wood
Angus Wood
Kevin de Zilva
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