Actor, Choreographer
Actor, Choreographer 1992
Choreographer 1987
Choreographer 1986
Actor 1984
Actor 1983
Actor 1981
Actor 1980
Cliff Ellen
Worked with on Away (1987 - Tour) and 3 others
Malcolm Robertson
Worked with on Mary Lives! and 3 others
Ross Williams
Ross Murray
Worked with on Mary Lives! and 2 others
Robert Taylor
John Wood
Worked with on Away (1987 - Tour) and 2 others
Neil Armfield
Worked with on Away (1987 - Tour) and 1 other
Simon Barley
Donna Broadbridge
Sally Cooper
Stephen Curtis
Anna French
Worked with on The Father We Loved On a Beach By the Sea and 1 other
Robert Gebert
Worked with on Royboys and 1 other
Paul Goddard
Michael Gow
Yvonne Hockey
Worked with on Away (1986) and 1 other
Jillian Murray
Anne Phelan
Jill Smith
Worked with on Mary Lives! and 1 other
Joseph Spano
Worked with on The Tramp's Revenge and 1 other
Richard Vella
Linda Aitken
Worked with on Mary Lives!
Ruth Aldridge
Worked with on The Father We Loved On a Beach By the Sea
Suzanne Baron
Worked with on Wings
Rosemary Barr
Worked with on Away (1986)
John Beckett
Worked with on Royboys
Pat Bishop
Shane Bourne
Worked with on Comedians
Rosie Boylan
Worked with on Away (1987 - Tour)
Adam Briscomb
Christine Calcutt
Ken Campbell-Dobbie
Worked with on The Tramp's Revenge
Carl Carmichael
Nick Carrafa
Alan Cassell
Stephen Clark
Barry Dickins
Maryanne Fahey
Frances Farmer
Russell Field
Robert Forza
John Francis
Julie Frey
Carrillo Gantner
Worked with on A Night in the Arms of Raeleen
Brian Gibbons
Lynda Gibson
Colin Golvan
Clem Gorman
David Gray
Nigel Green
Trevor Griffiths
Billie Hammerberg
Frank Hardy
Robert Harrison
Peter Harvey
Bill Hawtin
Jim Henry
Edward Hepple
John Heywood
Mini Hogan
Brian Holmes
Kate Hosking
Sue Hunt
Richard Jeziorny
Bartholomew John
Sue Jones
Gillian Jones
Patricia Kennedy
Karl Kish
Arthur Kopit
John Larking
Tanya Leach
Nigel Levings
Richard Mackay-Sollay
Colin Mann
Sandra Matlock
Ian Mawson
Judith McGrath
Stuart McKenzie
Di Misirdjieff
Joy Mitchell
Deb Munn
Sean Myers
Gerry Nixon
Roger Oakley
Colin Orchard
Peter Oyston
Peter Paulsen
Robert Perrier
Beverley Phillips
Richard Prins
Stephen Sewell
Greg Sneddon
Anne Sparks
Kristopher Steele
Phil Sumner
Charles Bud Tingwell
Fred Wallace
William Zappa
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