ROSS (Actor) 2024
Actor 2003
Actor 2002
Actor (Hobart only) 2000
Actor 1998
Actor 1996
Tammy Anderson
Worked with on Stolen (2000 - Tour) and 1 other
Kylie Belling
Tanya Bennett
Worked with on Stolen (1998) and 1 other
Kate Blenheim
Worked with on Crow Fire and 1 other
Rachel Burke
David Chesworth
Darryl Cordell
Wesley Enoch
Jane Harrison
Andrea James
Worked with on Yanagai! Yanagai! and 1 other
Robyne Latham
Philip Lethlean
Natasha Marich
Lisa Maza
Richard Roberts
Peter Rotumah
Matt Scott
Glenn Shea
Pauline Whyman
Naretha Williams
Stan Yarramunua
David Adamson
Worked with on Yanagai! Yanagai!
Janet Andrewartha
Worked with on Burning Time
Bryan Andy
Iopu Auva'a
Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)
Amanda Banks
Dann Barber
Josh Bell
Lou Bennett
Annie Bourke
Syd Brisbane
Worked with on Enuff
Tyallah Bullock
Johnny Carr
Amy Cater
Adrienne Chisholm
Jessica Clarke
Vince Colosimo
Desmond Connellan
Patricia Cornelius
Jim Daly
Alice Darling
Lancho Davey
Richard Dinnen
Worked with on Stolen (2000 - Tour)
Rashidi Edward
Dale Ferguson
Nicholas Flanagan
Richard Frankland
Worked with on Stolen (1998)
J. David Franzke
Justin Gardam
Vivienne Garrett
Katrina Gaskell
Iain Grandage
Lyndall Grant
Robert Grubb
John Harding
Wendy Harris
Worked with on Crow Fire
Zinnie Harris
Natasha Herbert
Ethan Hunter
Khisraw Jones-Shukoor
Sarah Kriegler
Peter Lawler
Brad Leffler
Amelia Lever-Davidson
Armando Licul
Rachael Maza Long
Matthew Lutton
Robert van Mackelenberg
Elliott Maynard
Mandy McElhinney
Aubrey Mellor
Phillip Millar
Jadah Milroy
Steve Mouzakis
Tiffany Noack
Bojana Novakovic
Lisa Osborn
Rosemary Osmond
LeRoy Parsons
Robbie Patten
Tim Prince
Melodie Reynolds
Osman Salih
Christopher Schlusser
Dennis Simmons
Mark Thompson
Rachael Tidd
Fiona Todd
Tom Willis
David Woods
Jethro Woodward
Izabella Yena
Marline Zaibak
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