Composer, Sound Designer
Composer 2005
Composer 2002
Composer 2001
Sound Designer 2000
Composer 1999
Composer 1998
Composer 1994
Composer 1990
Sound Designer 1988
Tammy Anderson
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 5 others
Wesley Enoch
Jane Harrison
Richard Roberts
Matt Scott
Pauline Whyman
Stan Yarramunua
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 4 others
Kylie Belling
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Melbourne) and 3 others
Richard Dinnen
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 3 others
Elliott Maynard
Glenn Shea
Worked with on Stolen (2001 - UK Tour) and 2 others
Robert Taylor
Worked with on Disturbing the Dust and 2 others
Tony Briggs
Worked with on Stolen (2000 - Tour) and 1 other
Carmelina di Guglielmo
Worked with on Disturbing the Dust and 1 other
Philip Lethlean
Natasha Marich
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 1 other
Lisa Maza
Tiffany Noack
Worked with on Stolen (2001 - UK Tour) and 1 other
LeRoy Parsons
Malcolm Robertson
Mary Sitarenos
Ariette Taylor
Linda Aitken
Worked with on Disturbing the Dust
Tanya Bennett
Worked with on Stolen (1998)
John Collins
Worked with on Benny Wallis Meets His Maker
Hugh Colman
Gail Davidson
Worked with on Sabat Jesus
Luke Devenish
Ian Dixon
Jacqui Everitt
Worked with on Recital
Jack Finsterer
Richard Frankland
Nigel Frayne
William Gluth
David Gray
Wendy Gregory
Worked with on Stolen (1999 - Tour)
Drusilla Hendry
Douglas Horton
Nick Ilton
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo)
Paul Jackson
Richard Jeziorny
Patricia Kennedy
Brad Leffler
Armando Licul
David McNicol
Robert Menzies
Robert Morgan
Leigh Morgan
Deb Munn
Ross Murray
Hartley Newnham
Helen Noonan
Emma O'Brien
Peter Oyston
Robbie Patten
Worked with on Stolen (2000 - Tour)
Michele Preshaw
Morgan Randall
Nicholas Robson
Jill Smith
Chung-wai Soong
Kathryn Sproul
Warwick Stengards
Frank Stoffels
Rebe Taylor
David Tredinnick
Gareth Yuen
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