Director, Actor
Actor 2008
Actor 2007
Director 2005
Director 2004
Actor 2002
Actor 1997
Actor 1996
Actor 1995
Actor, Actor 1988
Actor 1986
Actor 1983
Shaun Gurton
Worked with on The Big Con and 3 others
Valentina Levkowicz
Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour) and 3 others
Jill Smith
Peta Coy
Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour) and 2 others
David Franzke
Peter Houghton
Aubrey Mellor
Worked with on The Big Con and 2 others
Michele Preshaw
Robert Taylor
Worked with on Pacific Union and 2 others
Anna Borghesi
Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour) and 1 other
Rachel Burke
Worked with on The Incorruptible (1996 - Tour) and 1 other
Judith Cobb
Worked with on Waking Eve and 1 other
Richard Dinnen
Kevin Harrington
Tom Healey
Terry Kenwrick
Armando Licul
Worked with on The John Wayne Principle and 1 other
Natasha Marich
Worked with on The Big Con and 1 other
Ross Murray
Worked with on Hate (1988) and 1 other
Tony Nikolakopoulos
Louis Nowra
Melissa Reeves
Luke Ryan
Linda Aitken
Worked with on Pacific Union
Ruth Aldridge
Worked with on The Execution of Steele Rudd
Kirk Alexander
Worked with on The Marriage of Bette and Boo
Neil Armfield
Worked with on Hate (1988)
Tony Bartuccio
Worked with on Waking Eve
Wade Beed
Alison Bell
Worked with on The Spook (2007)
Tanya Bennett
Worked with on The Incorruptible (1995)
David Berthold
Worked with on The John Wayne Principle
Pat Bishop
Paul Bishop
Nancy Black
Wendy Black
James Brennan
Worked with on Svetlana in Slingbacks (2002)
Helen Buday
Kelly Butler
Alexander Buzo
Margaret Cameron
Ken Campbell-Dobbie
Joanne Canning
Nick Carrafa
Marco Chiappi
Maria Cleary
Brett Climo
Worked with on The Ishmael Club
Angela Coffey
Tom Considine
Ellen Cressey
Stephen Curtis
Rob Dallas
Belinda Davey
Lee-Anne Donnelly
Nik Dorning
Worked with on The Big Con
Steve Douglas-Craig
Cathy Downes
Beverley Dunn
Christopher Durang
Cliff Ellen
Robert Essex
Jan Friedl
Colin Friels
Bill Garner
Robert Gebert
Max Gillies
Sunchana Gogic
Russell Goldsmith
Sue Gore
Francis Greenslade
Tanith Harley
Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)
Paul Hasell
Robert Hewett
John Howard
Worked with on The Incorruptible (1996 - Tour)
Glenn Hughes
Sue Hunt
Odette Joannidis
Alan John
Gillian Jones
Asher Keddie
William Kelly
Desmond Kelly
Miria Kostiuk
Darren Kowacki
Justin Kurzel
Jenny Lovell
Tony Mack
Colette Mann
Kirsten Marr
Marnie McDonald
Stuart McKenzie
Tony McNamara
Alex Menglet
Robert Menzies
Nick Merrylees
Margaret Mills
Mark Minchinton
Robert Morgan
Bruce Myles
Sarah Norris
Michael O'Neill
Chris Paterson
Eddie Perfect
Genevieve Picot
Pamela Rabe
Harry Reade
David Roberts
Maria Roberts
Guy Rundle
Wendy Sainsbury
Anne-Louise Sarks
Dalibor Satalic
Stephen Sewell
Mark Shelton
David Slingsby
Christina Smith
Lisa Sontag
Christopher Stollery
Gavan Swift
Rachel Szalay
Maria Theodorakis
Ross Thompson
Helen Thomson
Helen Tripp
Patrick Troy
Sioban Tuke
Susan-Ann Walker
Bonnie Walsh
Peter Whitford
Alison Whyte
Simon Wilton
Dan Witton
Daniel Zika
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