Darren Kowacki

Darren Kowacki

Stage Manager, Head Mechanist, Assistant Stage Manager

Shows worked on

Darren Kowacki has worked with...

Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - London) and 12 others

Anna Cordingley

Anna Cordingley

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - London) and 9 others

Meow Meow

Meow Meow

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - London) and 5 others

Tanith Harley

Tanith Harley

Worked with on The Trial and 4 others

Michael Kantor

Michael Kantor

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 4 others

Maryanne Lynch

Maryanne Lynch

Worked with on Tis Pity She's a Whore and 4 others

Marion Potts

Marion Potts

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - London) and 4 others

Russell Goldsmith

Russell Goldsmith

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman and 3 others

Iain Grandage

Iain Grandage

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - London) and 3 others

Peter Houghton

Peter Houghton

Worked with on The Trial and 3 others

Anna Tregloan

Anna Tregloan

Worked with on The Tell-Tale Heart (2010) and 3 others

Paul Capsis

Paul Capsis

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 2 others

Louise Fox

Louise Fox

Worked with on The Trial and 2 others

Mark Jones

Mark Jones

Worked with on A Golem Story and 2 others

Matthew Lutton

Matthew Lutton

Worked with on Die Winterreise and 2 others

Cameron Menzies

Cameron Menzies

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 2 others

David Miller

David Miller

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - London) and 2 others

Luke  Ryan

Luke Ryan

Worked with on A Commercial Farce (2009) and 2 others

Chris Ryan

Chris Ryan

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - London) and 2 others

Bryony Anderson

Bryony Anderson

Worked with on Africa (2011 - Tour) and 1 other

Neil Armfield

Neil Armfield

Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe and 1 other

Alice Babidge

Alice Babidge

Worked with on The Trial and 1 other

Lucy Birkinshaw

Lucy Birkinshaw

Worked with on Africa (2011 - Tour) and 1 other

Bertolt Brecht

Bertolt Brecht

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Clare Britton

Clare Britton

Worked with on Africa (2011 - Tour) and 1 other

Bille Brown

Bille Brown

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman and 1 other

Mitchell Butel

Mitchell Butel

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - Sydney) and 1 other

Amanda Carr

Amanda Carr

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman and 1 other

Daniel Carter

Daniel Carter

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Damien Cooper

Damien Cooper

Worked with on The Women of Troy and 1 other

Peter Corrigan

Peter Corrigan

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Raimondo Cortese

Raimondo Cortese

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Kate Denborough

Kate Denborough

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Julie Forsyth

Julie Forsyth

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman and 1 other

David Franzke

David Franzke

Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour) and 1 other

Richard Gill

Richard Gill

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Chloe Greaves

Chloe Greaves

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010) and 1 other

Andree Greenwell

Andree Greenwell

Worked with on Tis Pity She's a Whore and 1 other

Ben Hauptmann

Ben Hauptmann

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2011) and 1 other

Lance Horne

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - London) and 1 other

Jolyon James

Jolyon James

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Lally Katz

Lally Katz

Worked with on A Golem Story and 1 other

Alison Kidd

Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe and 1 other

Xani Kolac

Xani Kolac

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - Sydney) and 1 other

Barrie Kosky

Barrie Kosky

Worked with on The Tell-Tale Heart (2010) and 1 other

Chris Leary

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2011) and 1 other

Halcyon Macleod

Halcyon Macleod

Worked with on Africa (2011 - Tour) and 1 other

Rebecca Massey

Rebecca Massey

Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe and 1 other

Andy Moore

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Eddie Perfect

Eddie Perfect

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Peter Ripon

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Sam Routledge

Sam Routledge

Worked with on Africa (2011 - Tour) and 1 other

Kelly Ryall

Kelly Ryall

Worked with on Die Winterreise and 1 other

Jeremy Sams

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Dimity Shepherd

Dimity Shepherd

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Grant Smith

Grant Smith

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Dan Spielman

Dan Spielman

Worked with on A Golem Story and 1 other

Jodie Le Vesconte

Jodie Le Vesconte

Worked with on Africa (2011 - Tour) and 1 other

Kurt Weill

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

Alison Whyte

Alison Whyte

Worked with on Tis Pity She's a Whore and 1 other

David Woods

David Woods

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman and 1 other

Jethro Woodward

Jethro Woodward

Worked with on Tis Pity She's a Whore and 1 other

John Xintavelonis

John Xintavelonis

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011) and 1 other

John Adam

John Adam

Worked with on Tis Pity She's a Whore

Anthony Ahern

Worked with on Africa (2011 - Tour)

Johanna Allen

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Michelle Robin Anderson

Worked with on Africa (2011 - Tour)

Carl Anderson

Worked with on Kitten

Hugh Anderson

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Tony Bartuccio

Tony Bartuccio

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Curtis Bayliss

Worked with on Venus and Adonis

Casey Bennetto

Casey Bennetto

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Anna Borghesi

Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)

Scott Bowie

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Kate Box

Kate Box

Worked with on Knives In Hens

Laura Brent

Laura Brent

Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe

Geordie Brookman

Geordie Brookman

Worked with on Knives In Hens

Stuart Brownley

Stuart Brownley

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Jess Ciampa

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Angela Cole

Angela Cole

Worked with on Kitten

Bob Collins

Bob Collins

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Judi Connelli

Judi Connelli

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Chris Connelly

Chris Connelly

Worked with on Kitten

Martin Corcoran

Martin Corcoran

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Patricia Cotter

Patricia Cotter

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Julia County

Julia County

Worked with on Tis Pity She's a Whore

Peta Coy

Peta Coy

Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)

Nigel Crocker

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Nicholas DeRossos

Nicholas DeRossos

Worked with on A Golem Story

Luke Devenish

Luke Devenish

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Arthur Dignam

Arthur Dignam

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Richard Dinnen

Richard Dinnen

Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)

Leonie Dixon

Leonie Dixon

Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe

Tom Doig

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Bridget Dolan

Bridget Dolan

Worked with on Africa (2011 - Tour)

Sara Douglas

Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe

Edward Dowling

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Dave Ellis

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Matthew Emond

Matthew Emond

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)



Worked with on The Women of Troy

Andrew Evans

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Jay Fagan

Worked with on Africa (2009)

Peter Farnan

Peter Farnan

Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe

Aidan Fennessy

Aidan Fennessy

Worked with on A Commercial Farce (2009)

Dale Ferguson

Dale Ferguson

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Stephen Fitzgerald

Stephen Fitzgerald

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2011)

Steve Fitzgerald

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - Sydney)

Dario Fo

Dario Fo

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

John Ford

Worked with on Tis Pity She's a Whore

John Gaden

John Gaden

Worked with on The Trial

Natalie  Gamsu

Natalie Gamsu

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Adam Gardnir

Adam Gardnir

Worked with on Die Winterreise

David Gilfillan

David Gilfillan

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Katrina Gill

Katrina Gill

Worked with on Africa (2009)

Jason Glass

Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe

Joshua Gordon

Joshua Gordon

Worked with on A Golem Story

Marcus Graham

Marcus Graham

Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe

Ben Grant

Ben Grant

Worked with on A Commercial Farce (2009)

Jack Grant

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Melissa Madden Gray

Melissa Madden Gray

Worked with on Venus and Adonis

Elisa Gray

Worked with on A Golem Story

Francis Greenslade

Francis Greenslade

Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe

Ashley Greig

Worked with on The Trial

Meredith Grey

Meredith Grey

Worked with on Goodbye Vaudeville Charlie Mudd

Bo Haldane

Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe

Kevin Harrington

Kevin Harrington

Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)

David Harrower

David Harrower

Worked with on Knives In Hens

Michael Kieran Harvey

Michael Kieran Harvey

Worked with on The Tell-Tale Heart (2010)

Tom Healey

Tom Healey

Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)

Michelle Heaven

Michelle Heaven

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Nathan Henshaw

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Natasha Herbert

Natasha Herbert

Worked with on Kitten

Helen Herbertson

Helen Herbertson

Worked with on Kitten

David Hewitt

David Hewitt

Worked with on Venus and Adonis

Tom Holloway

Tom Holloway

Worked with on Die Winterreise

Andrew Howard

Andrew Howard

Worked with on Knives In Hens

Eugene Ionesco

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Allison Jeny

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Daniel Jericho

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Odette Joannidis

Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)

Sarah John

Worked with on The Trial

Gillian Jones

Gillian Jones

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Patrick Jones

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Luke Joslin

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Melita Jurisic

Melita Jurisic

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka

Worked with on The Trial

Rita Kalnejais

Rita Kalnejais

Worked with on The Trial

Declan Kelly

Declan Kelly

Worked with on Africa (2011 - Tour)

Duncan Kelly

Worked with on Africa (2009)

Jenny Kemp

Jenny Kemp

Worked with on Kitten

Kate Kendall

Kate Kendall

Worked with on Kitten

Simon Kenway

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Michael Kluger

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Chris Kohn

Chris Kohn

Worked with on Goodbye Vaudeville Charlie Mudd

Anna Kosky

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Michel Laloum

Michel Laloum

Worked with on A Golem Story

Melissa Langton

Melissa Langton

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

William Larkin

William Larkin

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Laura Lattuada

Laura Lattuada

Worked with on Tis Pity She's a Whore

Amy Lehpamer

Amy Lehpamer

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Ewen Leslie

Ewen Leslie

Worked with on The Trial

Lawrence Leung

Lawrence Leung

Worked with on Goodbye Vaudeville Charlie Mudd

Valentina Levkowicz

Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)

Brian Lipson

Brian Lipson

Worked with on A Golem Story

Jennymay Logan

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - London)

Belinda Di Lorenzo

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Isabelle Mangeot

Isabelle Mangeot

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

James Manson

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - Sydney)

Claude Marcos

Claude Marcos

Worked with on The Trial

Lucy Maunder

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Belinda McClory

Belinda McClory

Worked with on The Trial

David McSkimming

David McSkimming

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Alex Menglet

Alex Menglet

Worked with on Goodbye Vaudeville Charlie Mudd

Robert Menzies

Robert Menzies

Worked with on Knives In Hens

Hamish Michael

Hamish Michael

Worked with on The Trial

Patrick Miller

Patrick Miller

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Margaret Mills

Margaret Mills

Worked with on Kitten

Jean-Baptiste Moliere

Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe

Denis Moore

Denis Moore

Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)

Amanda Muggleton

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Millie Mullinar

Millie Mullinar

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Richard Murphet

Worked with on Kitten

Elizabeth Nabben

Elizabeth Nabben

Worked with on Tis Pity She's a Whore

Ansuya Nathan

Worked with on Venus and Adonis

Robyn Nevin

Robyn Nevin

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Stephen Nicolazzo

Stephen Nicolazzo

Worked with on Goodbye Vaudeville Charlie Mudd

Martin Niedermair

Martin Niedermair

Worked with on The Tell-Tale Heart (2010)

Tony Nikolakopoulos

Tony Nikolakopoulos

Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)

Anna O'Byrne

Anna O'Byrne

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

James O'Hara

James O'Hara

Worked with on Die Winterreise

Christen O'Leary

Christen O'Leary

Worked with on Goodbye Vaudeville Charlie Mudd

Alice Osborne

Alice Osborne

Worked with on Africa (2009)

Barry Otto

Barry Otto

Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe


Worked with on Venus and Adonis

Ezekiel Ox

Ezekiel Ox

Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe

Jonathon Oxlade

Jonathon Oxlade

Worked with on Goodbye Vaudeville Charlie Mudd

Melissa Page

Melissa Page

Worked with on The Trial

Niklas Pajanti

Niklas Pajanti

Worked with on Kitten

Chrissie Parrott

Chrissie Parrott

Worked with on Die Winterreise

Lindsay Partridge

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Jim Pennell

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Richard Percival

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Danny Pettingill

Worked with on Kitten

Genevieve Picot

Genevieve Picot

Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)

Richard Piper

Richard Piper

Worked with on Tis Pity She's a Whore

Edgar Allan Poe

Worked with on The Tell-Tale Heart (2010)

Mike Porter

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - London)

Matt Prest

Matt Prest

Worked with on Africa (2009)

Susan Prior

Susan Prior

Worked with on Venus and Adonis

Greg Pritchard

Worked with on A Commercial Farce (2009)

Evan Pritchard

Evan Pritchard

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Lauren A. Proietti

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Jacob Quist

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - London)

Melissa Reeves

Melissa Reeves

Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)

Tamara Rewse

Tamara Rewse

Worked with on Africa (2009)

John Rodgers

John Rodgers

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Kyle Rowling

Kyle Rowling

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Geoffrey Rush

Geoffrey Rush

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Jim Russell

Jim Russell

Worked with on Goodbye Vaudeville Charlie Mudd

Benedict Samuel

Benedict Samuel

Worked with on Tis Pity She's a Whore

Anne-Louise Sarks

Anne-Louise Sarks

Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)

Igor Sas

Igor Sas

Worked with on The Trial

Niko Schauble

Niko Schauble

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Franz Schubert

Worked with on Die Winterreise

Matt Scott

Matt Scott

Worked with on A Commercial Farce (2009)

Angela Scundi

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Peter Sforcina

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

Worked with on Venus and Adonis

Hallie Shellam

Hallie Shellam

Worked with on Tis Pity She's a Whore

Adrian Sheriff

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

George Shevtsov

George Shevtsov

Worked with on Die Winterreise

Nikki Shiels

Nikki Shiels

Worked with on Elizabeth, Almost By Chance A Woman

Bruno Siketa

Bruno Siketa

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Jeremy Silver

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Julia Smith

Worked with on Venus and Adonis

Francesca Smith

Worked with on Kitten

Emma Smith

Worked with on Little Match Girl (2012 - London)

Jessica Smithett

Jessica Smithett

Worked with on Die Winterreise

Alister Spence

Alister Spence

Worked with on Die Winterreise

Melanie Stanton

Melanie Stanton

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Alistair Stobo

Worked with on The Tell-Tale Heart (2010)

Greg Stone

Greg Stone

Worked with on A Golem Story

Yael Stone

Yael Stone

Worked with on A Golem Story

Nic Synot

Nic Synot

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Scott Tinkler

Worked with on Exit the King (2007)

Giorgios Tsamoudakis

Giorgios Tsamoudakis

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Richard Vabre

Richard Vabre

Worked with on Goodbye Vaudeville Charlie Mudd

Darrin Verhagen

Darrin Verhagen

Worked with on Kitten

Doug de Vries

Doug de Vries

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2010)

Jennifer Vuletic

Jennifer Vuletic

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Daryl Wallis

Daryl Wallis

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Willoh S. Weiland

Worked with on Kitten

Michael Whalley

Worked with on The Threepenny Opera (2011)

Ryan Williams

Ryan Williams

Worked with on Venus and Adonis

Matt Wilson

Matt Wilson

Worked with on Goodbye Vaudeville Charlie Mudd

Benjamin Winspear

Benjamin Winspear

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Suzanne Wolff

Worked with on The Tell-Tale Heart (2010)

Anthony Wong

Anthony Wong

Worked with on Tis Pity She's a Whore

Tom Wright

Tom Wright

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Queenie van de Zandt

Queenie van de Zandt

Worked with on The Women of Troy

Julia Zemiro

Julia Zemiro

Worked with on Goodbye Vaudeville Charlie Mudd