Lighting Designer
Lighting Designer 2002
Lighting Designer 1999
Lighting Designer 1998
Lighting Designer 1993
Lighting Designer 1991
Lighting Designer 1990
Lighting Designer 1988
Lighting Designer 1986
Lighting Designer 1985
Lighting Designer 1983
Lighting Designer 1982
Lighting Designer 1981
Jill Smith
Worked with on Still Angela and 8 others
Ross Murray
Worked with on Earthly Paradise and 6 others
Armando Licul
Worked with on Still Angela and 5 others
Robert Taylor
Worked with on The Garden of Granddaughters (Melbourne) and 5 others
Stuart McKenzie
Worked with on The Garden of Granddaughters (Melbourne) and 4 others
Anna French
Worked with on The Garden of Granddaughters (Sydney) and 3 others
Shaun Gurton
Worked with on The Piccadilly Bushman and 3 others
Linda Aitken
Worked with on The Garden of Granddaughters (Melbourne) and 2 others
Frances Farmer
Worked with on Riff Raff: The Re-mix and 2 others
David Franzke
Worked with on Still Angela and 2 others
Stuart Greenbaum
Worked with on The Garden of Granddaughters (Sydney) and 2 others
Melita Jurisic
Worked with on The Language of the Gods and 2 others
Monica Maughan
Worked with on The Piccadilly Bushman and 2 others
Jennie Tate
Worked with on A Spring Song and 2 others
Janet Andrewartha
Worked with on The Garden of Granddaughters (Sydney) and 1 other
Claire Armour
Worked with on A Spring Song and 1 other
Maggie Blinco
Robert Gebert
Daphne Grey
Ron Haddrick
Kevin Harrington
Yvonne Hockey
Worked with on Madame Mao and 1 other
Richard Jeziorny
Worked with on Esterhaz and 1 other
James McCaughey
Elise McCredie
Aubrey Mellor
Worked with on The Language of the Gods and 1 other
Robert Morgan
Jillian Murray
George Ogilvie
Colin Orchard
Worked with on Beyond Therapy and 1 other
Merfyn Owen
Dina Panozzo
Thérèse Radic
Worked with on Peach Melba and 1 other
Malcolm Robertson
Stephen Sewell
Elly Varrenti
Worked with on Earthly Paradise and 1 other
Darrin Verhagen
Roy Baldwin
Worked with on A Spring Song
Hayley Barberis
Worked with on The Garden of Granddaughters (Melbourne)
David Bell
Worked with on The Dogs Play and A Few Roos Loose in the Top Paddock
Judy Bierwirth
Worked with on Alive And Kicking
Ezra Bix
Worked with on Earthly Paradise
Wendy Black
Worked with on Madame Mao
Julia Blake
Worked with on The Piccadilly Bushman
Kate Blenheim
Worked with on The Language of the Gods
David Bonney
Worked with on Peach Melba
Ken Boucher
Worked with on Long Day's Journey into Night
Robynne Bourne
Humphrey Bower
Beverley Boyd
Worked with on This Antigone
Blair Broadhurst
Lauren Brooks
Rupert Burns
Rex Callahan
Worked with on Beyond Therapy
Matt Cameron
Worked with on Tear From a Glass Eye
Ken Campbell-Dobbie
Kim Carpenter
Nick Carrafa
Barbara Ciszewska
Worked with on A Bed of Ruses
Alan Clarke
Graham Clarke
Sophie Clausen
Worked with on Esterhaz
Maria Cleary
Judith Cobb
Tim Coldwell
Justin Connor
Worked with on Riff Raff: The Re-mix
Burt Cooper
Worked with on Sinbad the Sailor - The Last Adventure
Rex Cramphorn
Peter Crosbie
Robin Cuming
Ian Cuming
Debbie Cumming
Ross Daniels
Jon Davey
Nigel Davis
Sri Pudjiarti Dean
Anthony DeFazio
Simon Dennis
Jennifer Dixon
Jemma Doliniec
John Donghia
Worked with on The Flat: A Temporary Thing
Eric Donnison
Robert Draffin
Elizabeth Drake
Worked with on Still Angela
Peter Dunn
Christopher Durang
Ron Elisha
Lois Ellis
Darryl Emmerson
Robert Essex
Reg Evans
Jacqui Everitt
George Fairfax
Gary Files
Peter Finlay
Jon Finlayson
Rodney Fisher
Kate Fitzpatrick
Karen Flaherty
Nicholas Flanagan
Matt Flood
Susie Fraser
Frank Gallacher
Caroline Gillmer
Rinske Ginsberg
William Gluth
Robin Hall
Felicity Hardy
Tracy Harvey
Natasha Herbert
Helen Herbertson
Bob Hornery
Peter Hosking
Peter Houghton
Frank Howson
Nick Ilton
John Ioannou
Brian James
Veronica Jeffrey
Chris Jones
Jenny Kemp
Patricia Kennedy
Courtney Kieler
Worked with on The Garden of Granddaughters (Sydney)
Sondrene Kieler
Tania Klerfon
Alan Knoepfler
Nadja Kostich
Lenka Kripac
Rosie Lalevich
Tyrone Landau
Ray Lawler
Sanggar Lestari
Peter Locke
Cathrine Lynch
Ian Macdonald
Todd MacDonald
Felicity MacDonald
Andrew MacPherson
Damian Madigan
Leonie Marshall
Sarah Masters
Ray Mathew
Greg McCart
Jan McDonald
Kerry McKay
Ian Mckean
Teresa McMenomy
Rohan Meddings
Steve Meier
Robert Meldrum
Alex Menglet
Robert Menzies
Margaret Mills
Mark Minchinton
Michael Mitchener
Natasha Moszenin
Jane Mullett
Deb Munn
Justin Napier
Ray Nardella
Patrick Nolan
Helen Noonan
Terry Norris
Louis Nowra
Julianne O'Brien
Christen O'Leary
John O'May
Eugene O'Neill
Tee O'Neill
Trina Parker
Anthea Parsons
Judy Pascoe
Carole Patullo
Michael Pearce
Deborah Pelling
Daryl Pellizzer
Simon Phillips
David Pledger
Michele Preshaw
Matthew Quartermaine
Robert Reid
Ben Rogan
Leon Salom
Gary Samolin
Alexandra Sangster
David Sasse
Roger Selleck
Greg Sneddon
Ben Speth
Diana Stewart
Anne Stewart
Phil Sumner
Ariette Taylor
Lucy Taylor
Anita Thompson
Rosie Tonkin
Tania Trusler
Richard Vella
Terrie Waddell
Katie Walker
Gabby Walters
John Walton
Rachel Ward
Mary Ward
Alison Whyte
Linden Wilkinson
Megan Williams
Suzette Williams
Michael Wilson
Simon Wilton
Anthony Wong
Lisa Worley
William Zappa
Richard Zatorski
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