Actor, Playwright, Designer
Actor 2013
Actor 2011
Actor 2008
Playwright, Designer, Actor 2007
Actor 2001
Actor 2000
Benjamin Cowen
Worked with on Ancient Enmity and 2 others
David Franzke
Tom Healey
Christina Smith
James Brennan
Worked with on Ancient Enmity and 1 other
Rachel Burke
Worked with on Seven Days of Silence and 1 other
Louise Gough
Miria Kostiuk
Sarah Norris
Suraya Rasid
James Saunders
Daniel Zika
Rodney Afif
Worked with on White Rabbit, Red Rabbit
Alison Bell
Martin Blum
Worked with on The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark
Heather Bolton
Daniel Brooks
Alan Brough
Alyson Brown
Worked with on The Goldberg Variations
Beth Buchanan
Margaret Cameron
Worked with on Svetlana in Slingbacks (2001)
Angus Cerini
Worked with on Seven Days of Silence
Shareena Clanton
Stephen Clements
Anna Cordingley
Worked with on A Golem Story
Ditch Davey
Nicholas DeRossos
Isaac Drandich
Ron Elisha
Daniela Farinacci
Adam Gardnir
Max Gillies
Joshua Gordon
Elisa Gray
Shaun Gurton
David Hayhow
Worked with on Ancient Enmity
Ming-Zhu Hii
Peter Houghton
John Francis Howard
Paul Jackson
Mark Jones
Guy Kable
Michael Kantor
Lally Katz
Darren Kowacki
Bert LaBonté
Michel Laloum
Erin Lambie
Wendy Lasica
Worked with on A Large Attendance in the Antechamber
John Leary
Caroline Lee
Valentina Levkowicz
Ruth Maloney
Christina Mananis
Ross Manson
Natasha Marich
Alex Ben Mayor
Catherine McClements
Franz Moritz
Genevieve Morris
Arlo Mountford
Steve Mouzakis
Janice Muller
Adrian Mulraney
Pip Mushin
Brian Nankervis
Torquil Neilson
Christen O'Leary
Merfyn Owen
Sam Pang
Richard Pyros
Aleks Radovic
Oscar Redding
Judy Rutherford
William Shakespeare
Nassim Soleimanpour
Dan Spielman
Rob Stewart
Greg Stone
Yael Stone
Lauren Taylor
George Webech
Ari Wegner
Catherine Wilkin
Mark Leonard Winter
John Wood
Thomas Wright
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