Lighting Designer
Lighting Designer 2014
Lighting Designer 2013
Lighting Designer 2011
Lighting Designer 2009
Lighting Designer 2002
Lighting Designer 2001
Lighting Designer 2000
Lighting Designer 1999
Lighting Designer 1998
Lighting Designer 1997
Richard Roberts
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 6 others
Tammy Anderson
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 5 others
David Chesworth
Wesley Enoch
Jane Harrison
Pauline Whyman
Stan Yarramunua
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 4 others
Kylie Belling
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Melbourne) and 3 others
Richard Dinnen
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 3 others
Elliott Maynard
Glenn Shea
Worked with on Stolen (2001 - UK Tour) and 2 others
Emma Anderson
Worked with on Miracles and 1 other
Tony Briggs
Worked with on Stolen (2000 - Tour) and 1 other
Kate Cherry
Worked with on The Sick Room and 1 other
Aidan Fennessy
Worked with on A Commercial Farce (2011 - Tour) and 1 other
David Franzke
Worked with on The Dragon and 1 other
Ben Grant
Peter Houghton
Natasha Marich
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 1 other
Lisa Maza
Tiffany Noack
Worked with on Stolen (2001 - UK Tour) and 1 other
LeRoy Parsons
Marion Potts
Worked with on The Riders and 1 other
Edward Antonov
Worked with on The Riders
Jessica Aszodi
Jim Atkins
Kate Atkinson
Worked with on Thieving Boy and Like Stars in My Hands
Tony Ayres
Jimi Bani
Worked with on The Dragon
Michele Bauer
Christopher Beckey
Worked with on The Fortunes of Richard Mahony
David Bell
Tanya Bennett
Worked with on Stolen (1998)
Heather Bolton
Worked with on Miracles
Phoebe Briggs
Adam Broinowski
Alyson Brown
Worked with on The Sick Room
Anne Browning
Simon Bruckard
Andrew Buchanan
Worked with on Milo's Wake
Celia de Burgh
Melinda Butel
Caitlin Byrne
Isabela Calderon
Evgeny Chebykin
Joe Chindamo
Brigid Collaery
Tim Conigrave
Tyler Coppin
Anna Cordingley
Worked with on A Commercial Farce (2009)
Andrea Corish
Alison Croggon
Sarah Curro
Daniel Curro
Peter Curtin
Paul Denny
Beverley Dunn
Sue Dwyer
Scott Edgar
Dale Ferguson
Margery Forde
Michael Forde
Richard Frankland
Steven Gates
Callum G'Froerer
Cameron Goodall
Pete Goodwin
Michael Gow
Iain Grandage
Wendy Gregory
Worked with on Stolen (1999 - Tour)
Kim Gyngell
Simon Hall
Jon Halpin
Samara Hersch
Noelene Hill
Joey Hitten
Nick Ilton
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo)
Richard Jeziorny
Asher Keddie
Robert Kemp
Sarah Kennedy
Jason Klarwein
Darren Kowacki
Jerzy Kozlowski
Genevieve Lacey
Laura Lattuada
Evan Lawson
Tobsha Learner
John Leary
Sophie Lee
Brad Leffler
Gerald Lepkowski
Susanna Ling
Joel Loxton
Charles MacInnes
Rhys McConnochie
Stuart McKenzie
Joss McWilliam
Cameron Menzies
Richard Mills
Jacki Mison
Jennifer Morrish
Nicol Morrow
Torquil Neilson
Gary Nunn
Yalin Ozucelik
Robbie Patten
Worked with on Stolen (2000 - Tour)
Stephen Pease
Neil Pigot
Tim Potter
Worked with on A Commercial Farce (2011 - Tour)
Josh Price
Greg Pritchard
Mark Pritchard
Morgan Randall
Oscar Redding
David Rogers-Smith
Dean Russo
Luke Ryan
Barry Ryan
Phillipa Safey
Leon Salom
Maryanne Sam
Toby Schmitz
Evgeny Schwartz
Stephen Sewell
Dimity Shepherd
Nikki Shiels
Ross Smith
Jessica Smithett
Felicity Steel
Penelope Stewart
Helene Stillaway
Frank Stoffels
Greg Stone
Kate Sulan
Peter Sutherland
Andrea Swifte
Nic Synot
Eugyeene Teh
Brendan Toohey
Anna Tregloan
Anika Vilee
Doug de Vries
Tom Webster
Tim Winton
Scott Witt
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