Stage Manager, Lighting Designer, Production Manager, Sound Designer, Sound Operator/Engineer
Production Manager 1986
Lighting Designer 1983
Stage Manager 1983
Stage Manager 1982
Stage Manager 1981
Sound Operator/Engineer 1981
Stage Manager 1980
Sound Designer 1980
Stage Manager, Lighting Designer 1980
Lighting Designer 1980
Sound 1979
Stage Manager 1979
Lighting Designer, Stage Manager 1979
Follow Spot Operator 1979
Lighting Designer 1979
Stage Manager (Melbourne season) 1978
Sandra Matlock
Worked with on Letters Home and 7 others
Murray Copland
Worked with on Letters Home and 6 others
Robert Gebert
John Beckett
Worked with on Summer Shadows and 5 others
Jill Smith
Worked with on Away (1986) and 3 others
Margaret Cameron
Worked with on Antony and Cleopatra and 2 others
Carrillo Gantner
Worked with on Piaf and 2 others
Brian Holmes
Worked with on Letters Home and 2 others
Ross Murray
Worked with on Away (1986) and 2 others
Charles Bud Tingwell
Worked with on Every Good Boy Deserves Favour and 2 others
Richard Vella
William Zappa
Neil Armfield
Worked with on Away (1986) and 1 other
Axel Bartz
Worked with on Letters Home and 1 other
Graeme Blundell
Worked with on The Ripper Show and 1 other
Ron Challinor
Peter Corrigan
Rex Cramphorn
Worked with on Antony and Cleopatra and 1 other
Murray Crawford
Worked with on Piaf and 1 other
Peter Cummins
Worked with on True West and 1 other
Stephen Curtis
Eamon D'Arcy
Lindy Davies
Cliff Ellen
Frank Gallacher
Caroline Gillmer
Worked with on Summer Shadows and 1 other
Peter Harvey
Worked with on The Greatest Man on Earth and 1 other
Evelyn Krape
Julie McGregor
Worked with on Miss Julie and 1 other
Robbie McGregor
Aurora Muratti
Worked with on Gentlemen Only and 1 other
David Murray
Worked with on Madame Mao and 1 other
Gerda Nicolson
Gerry Nixon
Worked with on Every Good Boy Deserves Favour and 1 other
Anne Phelan
Malcolm Robertson
Worked with on I Sent a Letter to My Love and 1 other
Jennie Tate
Worked with on Sinbad the Sailor - The Last Adventure and 1 other
Karen Trott
Worked with on No Man's Land and 1 other
Fred Wallace
Tracy Watt
John Wood
Worked with on Outside Edge and 1 other
Ruth Aldridge
Worked with on Antony and Cleopatra
Harold Baigent
Worked with on The Virgin: Miracles for Christmas
Roy Baldwin
Worked with on Graeme King Lear
Georgina Banks
Worked with on Summer Shadows
Simon Barley
Worked with on Away (1986)
Jeremy Barlow
Worked with on The Ripper Show
Rosemary Barr
Jay Barton
Worked with on Statements After an Arrest Under the Immorality Act
Robert Bell
Worked with on Piaf
Richard Beynon
Nancy Black
Worked with on Letters Home
Wendy Black
Worked with on Madame Mao
Julia Blake
Worked with on Outside Edge
Betty Bobbitt
Worked with on Gentlemen Only
Olive Bodill
Shane Bourne
Worked with on Comedians
David Bradshaw
Donna Broadbridge
Joan Brockenshire
John Van Burek
Worked with on Hosanna
Rupert Burns
David Cameron
Worked with on True West
Carl Carmichael
Fred Cass
Alan Cassell
Wal Cherry
Worked with on The Emigrants
Kirsty Child
Stephen Clark
Alan Clarke
John Clayton
Maria Cleary
Tim Coldwell
David Colton
Warwick Comber
Antonio Comin
Barry Conyngham
Worked with on No Man's Land
Burt Cooper
Worked with on Sinbad the Sailor - The Last Adventure
Sally Cooper
Robin Cuming
Worked with on I Sent a Letter to My Love
Lloyd Cunnington
Worked with on Every Good Boy Deserves Favour
Henry Cuthbertson
Jim Danton
Worked with on Antigone (1979)
Belinda Davey
Barry Dickins
Ernie Dingo
Worked with on State of Shock
Terence Donovan
Worked with on Miss Julie
Peta Doran
David Downer
Robert Draffin
Michael Duffield
Eric Engelbogen
Robert Essex
Ken Evans
Worked with on The Greatest Man on Earth
Stewart Faichney
George Fairfax
Gary Files
Peter Finlay
Rodney Fisher
Alan Fletcher
Nik Forster
Michael Freundt
Athol Fugard
Regina Gaigalas
Pam Gems
Nikolaos Georgiou
Brian Gibbons
Colin Gibson
Trevlyn Gilmour
Robert Ginn
Rinske Ginsberg
Bill Glasco
William Gluth
Paul Goddard
Eve Godly
Rose Leiman Goldemberg
Michael Gow
Ben Grant
John Grant
Trevor Griffiths
Brian Hannan
Robert Hanson
Richard Harris
Robert Harrison
Frank Hatherley
Nancye Hayes
Larry Held
John Heywood
Rosalea Hood
John Hopkins
Frank Howson
Sue Hunt
Henrik Ibsen
Alexandra Ivanoff
Veronica Jeffrey
Sue Jones
Gerard Kennedy
Bruce Kerr
Joe Lamont
Bevan Leviston
Adele Lewin
Jeannie Lewis
Sarah Masters
Ian Mawson
James McCaughey
John McDowall
Judith McGrath
Kerry McGuire
Kerry McKay
Ian Mckean
Stephen McKenna
Robert Meldrum
Robert Menzies
Gus Mercurio
Eve Merriam
Gerhard Metz
Maggie Millar
Joan Millar
Mark Minchinton
Michael Morley
Amanda Muggleton
Dominic Muldowney
Jane Mullett
Jillian Murray
Sean Myers
Lynette Narkle
Sue Nattrass
Derek Nicholson
Walter van Nieuwkuyk
Steve Nolan
Justin O'Connor
John O'May
Gillian Owen
Merfyn Owen
Peter Oyston
John Paramor
Geoff Parry
Judy Pascoe
Deborah Pelling
John Penman
Harold Pinter
Betty Pounder
John Pratt
Andre Previn
Roger Pulvers
Thérèse Radic
Yvette Rees
Greg Rinkler
Marilyn Rodgers
Leigh Rowles
Bernice Rubens
Deidre Rubenstein
Mariette Rups
Terry Ryan
Gary Samolin
David Sasse
William Shakespeare
Rodney Sharp
Sam Shepard
Ian Shrives
Neil Simpson
Keith Smith
Joseph Spano
Bruce Spence
Howard Stanley
Rosie Stone
Tom Stoppard
Tony Strachan
Peter Stratford
Freddie Strauks
August Strindberg
Brigita Strods
Red Symons
Nadia Tass
Michel Tremblay
Michael Tyack
Tanya Uren
John Vomero
Neale Warrington
Nick Waters
Vernon Wells
Anthony Wheeler
John Willett
Megan Williams
Ross Williams
James Wright
Bernie Wynack
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