Rachel Burke

Rachel Burke

Lighting Designer

Shows worked on



Lighting Designer 2024



Lighting Designer 2002



Lighting Designer 2001



Lighting Designer 1992

Rachel Burke has worked with...

Christina Smith

Christina Smith

Worked with on Porn.Cake and 6 others

Hugh Colman

Hugh Colman

Worked with on Confidentially Yours and 4 others

Benjamin Cowen

Worked with on Knowledge and Melancholy and 4 others

J. David Franzke

J. David Franzke

Worked with on God's Last Acre and 4 others

Natasha Marich

Worked with on Enuff and 4 others

Aubrey Mellor

Aubrey Mellor

Worked with on Salt and 4 others

Jethro Woodward

Jethro Woodward

Worked with on Look Right Through Me and 4 others

Alyson Brown

Worked with on God's Last Acre and 3 others

Darryl Cordell

Worked with on The Call and 3 others

Kim Durban

Worked with on The Conjurers and 3 others

Paul English

Paul English

Worked with on Rapture and 3 others

Shaun Gurton

Shaun Gurton

Worked with on God's Last Acre and 3 others

Armando Licul

Armando Licul

Worked with on Crow Fire and 3 others

Jill Smith

Jill Smith

Worked with on The Incorruptible (1995) and 3 others

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

Worked with on The Incorruptible (1995) and 3 others

Naretha Williams

Worked with on The Call and 3 others

Margaret Cameron

Margaret Cameron

Worked with on Knowledge and Melancholy and 2 others

Elizabeth Drake

Elizabeth Drake

Worked with on Cargo - The True Adventures of Mary Bryant and 2 others

Nick Enright

Nick Enright

Worked with on Confidentially Yours and 2 others

Dale Ferguson

Dale Ferguson

Worked with on WomanBomb and 2 others

Richard Frankland

Richard Frankland

Worked with on Walking into the Bigness and 2 others

Jenny Kemp

Jenny Kemp

Worked with on WomanBomb and 2 others

Joanna Murray-Smith

Joanna Murray-Smith

Worked with on Rapture and 2 others

Aaron Pedersen

Aaron Pedersen

Worked with on Black Medea (Melbourne) and 2 others

Peter Rotumah

Worked with on Crow Fire and 2 others

Greg Stone

Greg Stone

Worked with on Rapture and 2 others

Darrin Verhagen

Darrin Verhagen

Worked with on Walking into the Bigness and 2 others

Emma Anderson

Worked with on The Conjurers and 1 other

Tammy Anderson

Tammy Anderson

Worked with on Walking into the Bigness and 1 other

Domenico Bartolo

Domenico Bartolo

Worked with on Moth (2011) and 1 other

Tanya Bennett

Worked with on Confidentially Yours and 1 other

Kate Blenheim

Worked with on Crow Fire and 1 other

Heather Bolton

Heather Bolton

Worked with on Porn.Cake and 1 other

Tony Briggs

Tony Briggs

Worked with on Crow Fire and 1 other

Peter Docker

Peter Docker

Worked with on Conversations with the Dead and 1 other

Victoria Eagger

Worked with on Salt and 1 other

Wesley Enoch

Wesley Enoch

Worked with on Black Medea (Melbourne) and 1 other



Worked with on Black Medea (Melbourne) and 1 other

Stuart Greenbaum

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid and 1 other

Declan Greene

Declan Greene

Worked with on Moth (2011) and 1 other

Wendy Harris

Worked with on Crow Fire and 1 other

Margaret Harvey

Margaret Harvey

Worked with on Black Medea (Melbourne) and 1 other

Natasha Herbert

Natasha Herbert

Worked with on Rapture and 1 other

Terry Kenwrick

Terry Kenwrick

Worked with on The Incorruptible (1996 - Tour) and 1 other

Chris Kohn

Chris Kohn

Worked with on Moth (2011) and 1 other

Robyne Latham

Worked with on Crow Fire and 1 other

Tobsha Learner

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid and 1 other

Brian Lipson

Brian Lipson

Worked with on Seven Days of Silence and 1 other

Maryanne Lynch

Maryanne Lynch

Worked with on Moth (2011) and 1 other

Stuart McKenzie

Worked with on Good Works (1995) and 1 other

Denis Moore

Denis Moore

Worked with on The Incorruptible (1996 - Tour) and 1 other

Helen Morse

Helen Morse

Worked with on Good Works (1996 - Tour) and 1 other

Tiffany Noack

Tiffany Noack

Worked with on Black Medea (Melbourne) and 1 other

Louis Nowra

Louis Nowra

Worked with on The Incorruptible (1996 - Tour) and 1 other

Sarah Ogden

Sarah Ogden

Worked with on Moth (2011) and 1 other

Christen O'Leary

Christen O'Leary

Worked with on Porn.Cake and 1 other

Debra Oswald

Worked with on Sweet Road and 1 other

Jonathon Oxlade

Jonathon Oxlade

Worked with on Moth (2011) and 1 other

Pamela Rabe

Pamela Rabe

Worked with on Porn.Cake and 1 other

David Roberts

David Roberts

Worked with on The Incorruptible (1995) and 1 other

Kyle Rowling

Kyle Rowling

Worked with on Black Medea (Melbourne) and 1 other

James Saunders

James Saunders

Worked with on Seven Days of Silence and 1 other

Justine Saunders

Justine Saunders

Worked with on Black Medea (Melbourne) and 1 other

Kevin de Zilva

Kevin de Zilva

Worked with on Rapture and 1 other

Gary Abrahams

Gary Abrahams

Worked with on Yentl

Linda Aitken

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Rod Anderson

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Mark Anderson

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Janet Andrewartha

Janet Andrewartha

Worked with on Good Works (1995)

Paul Ashcroft

Paul Ashcroft

Worked with on Walking into the Bigness

Janis Balodis

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Dann Barber

Dann Barber

Worked with on Yentl

Andrew Barker

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Don Barker

Worked with on Sweet Road

Craig Bary

Craig Bary

Worked with on Look Right Through Me

Vanessa Bates

Vanessa Bates

Worked with on Porn.Cake

Andy Baylor

Andy Baylor

Worked with on Conversations with the Dead

Lou Bennett

Worked with on Conversations with the Dead

Mike Bishop

Mike Bishop

Worked with on Good Works (1995)

Wayne Blair

Wayne Blair

Worked with on Walking into the Bigness

Julia Blake

Julia Blake

Worked with on Salt

Anna Borghesi

Worked with on Cargo - The True Adventures of Mary Bryant

Andrew Bovell

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

James Brennan

James Brennan

Worked with on Public Dancing

Tomsilav Briev

Worked with on WomanBomb

Syd Brisbane

Syd Brisbane

Worked with on Enuff

Beth Buchanan

Beth Buchanan

Worked with on God's Last Acre

Helen Buday

Worked with on The Incorruptible (1995)

Fiona Cameron

Fiona Cameron

Worked with on Look Right Through Me

Michaela Cantwell

Michaela Cantwell

Worked with on Sweet Road

Nick Carrafa

Nick Carrafa

Worked with on The Incorruptible (1995)

Melvin Carroll

Melvin Carroll

Worked with on Strangers in the Night

Sarah Cathcart

Worked with on Cargo - The True Adventures of Mary Bryant

Clive Cavanagh

Worked with on Black Medea (Sydney)

Angus Cerini

Angus Cerini

Worked with on Seven Days of Silence

David Chisholm

David Chisholm

Worked with on The Call

Tia Clark

Tia Clark

Worked with on Walking into the Bigness

Daniel Clarke

Worked with on Sweet Road

Angela Coffey

Worked with on Salt

Nikki Coghill

Nikki Coghill

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Desmond Connellan

Desmond Connellan

Worked with on Enuff

Rose Connors

Worked with on Porn.Cake

Thomas Conroy

Thomas Conroy

Worked with on Moth (2011)

Adriano Cortese

Adriano Cortese

Worked with on Strangers in the Night

Joseph Couch

Worked with on Salt

Alison Croggon

Alison Croggon

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Suzi Darvill

Worked with on On the North Diversion Road

Jon Davey

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Lancho Davey

Worked with on Enuff

Kate Denborough

Kate Denborough

Worked with on Look Right Through Me

Maggie Dence

Maggie Dence

Worked with on Good Works (1996 - Tour)

John Diedrich

John Diedrich

Worked with on Wolf

Leonie Dixon

Leonie Dixon

Worked with on WomanBomb

Harry Dowling

Harry Dowling

Worked with on Yentl

Cathy Downes

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Marg Downey

Marg Downey

Worked with on Rapture

Vanessa Downing

Vanessa Downing

Worked with on Good Works (1996 - Tour)

Kyole Dungay

Worked with on Black Medea (Sydney)

Gerard Van Dyck

Gerard Van Dyck

Worked with on Look Right Through Me

Luisa Hastings Edge

Luisa Hastings Edge

Worked with on Walking into the Bigness

Ron Elisha

Worked with on The Goldberg Variations

Luke Elliot

Luke Elliot

Worked with on Porn.Cake

Kerreen Ely-Harper

Worked with on Cargo - The True Adventures of Mary Bryant

Robert Essex

Robert Essex

Worked with on Good Works (1996 - Tour)

Jacqui Everitt

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Nell Feeney

Nell Feeney

Worked with on God's Last Acre

Martin Flanagan

Worked with on The Call

Stacey Fleming

Worked with on Moth (2010)

Alice Fleming

Alice Fleming

Worked with on Look Right Through Me

Jan Friedl

Jan Friedl

Worked with on Good Works (1995)

Colin Friels

Colin Friels

Worked with on The Incorruptible (1995)

Elizabeth Friels

Worked with on Sweet Road

Keith Gallasch

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Fiona de Garis

Fiona de Garis

Worked with on Salt

Alice Garner

Alice Garner

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Max Gillies

Max Gillies

Worked with on The Goldberg Variations

William Gluth

William Gluth

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Russell Goldsmith

Russell Goldsmith

Worked with on Yentl

Louise Gough

Louise Gough

Worked with on Seven Days of Silence

Stephen Greig

Worked with on Sweet Road

Michael Gurr

Michael Gurr

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Amy Hack

Amy Hack

Worked with on Yentl

Sam Hall

Worked with on WomanBomb

John Harding

Worked with on Enuff

Adrian Hauser

Worked with on Bang! A Critical Fiction

Tom Healey

Tom Healey

Worked with on Seven Days of Silence

Elise Esther Hearst

Elise Esther Hearst

Worked with on Yentl

Rebecca Hendlam

Worked with on Strangers in the Night

Rarriwuy Hick

Rarriwuy Hick

Worked with on Walking into the Bigness

Catherine Hill

Catherine Hill

Worked with on Strangers in the Night

Peter Houghton

Peter Houghton

Worked with on God's Last Acre

John Howard

Worked with on The Incorruptible (1996 - Tour)

Andrea James

Worked with on Crow Fire

Nicholas Jaquinot

Nicholas Jaquinot

Worked with on Yentl

Richard Jeziorny

Richard Jeziorny

Worked with on Wolf

Alan John

Alan John

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Sue Jones

Worked with on God's Last Acre

Mark Jones

Mark Jones

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Melita Jurisic

Melita Jurisic

Worked with on On the North Diversion Road

Daniel Keene

Daniel Keene

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Genevieve Kingsford

Genevieve Kingsford

Worked with on Yentl

Galit Klas

Galit Klas

Worked with on Yentl

Miria Kostiuk

Miria Kostiuk

Worked with on Public Dancing

Evelyn Krape

Evelyn Krape

Worked with on Yentl

Michael Leunig

Worked with on Look Right Through Me

Jaqueline Linke

Jaqueline Linke

Worked with on Strangers in the Night

Rachael Maza Long

Rachael Maza Long

Worked with on Enuff

Victoria Longley

Worked with on Nightfall

Rebecca (Rivke) Margolis

Rebecca (Rivke) Margolis

Worked with on Yentl

Dino Marnika

Dino Marnika

Worked with on The Glass Mermaid

Kirsten Marr

Kirsten Marr

Worked with on Cargo - The True Adventures of Mary Bryant

Lisa Maza

Lisa Maza

Worked with on Enuff

Louise McCarthy

Louise McCarthy

Worked with on On the North Diversion Road

Belinda McClory

Belinda McClory

Worked with on Rapture

Travis McMahon

Travis McMahon

Worked with on Porn.Cake

Chris Mead

Chris Mead

Worked with on Walking into the Bigness

Marilyn Miller

Worked with on The Call

Margaret Mills

Margaret Mills

Worked with on The Conjurers

Jadah Milroy

Worked with on Crow Fire

Rebecca Moore

Rebecca Moore

Worked with on Moth (2011)

Natalia Velasco Moreno

Natalia Velasco Moreno

Worked with on Yentl

Michael Morgan

Michael Morgan

Worked with on Black Medea (Melbourne)

Leigh Morgan

Leigh Morgan

Worked with on Wolf

Steve Mouzakis

Steve Mouzakis

Worked with on Crow Fire

Millie Mullinar

Millie Mullinar

Worked with on Nightfall

Peta Murray

Worked with on Salt

Jillian Murray

Jillian Murray

Worked with on Wolf

Brendan Murray

Worked with on Conversations with the Dead

Pip Mushin

Pip Mushin

Worked with on The Goldberg Variations

Bruce Myles

Bruce Myles

Worked with on The Call

Aarne Neeme

Worked with on Strangers in the Night

Sarah Norris

Sarah Norris

Worked with on Public Dancing

Tim Ohl

Tim Ohl

Worked with on Look Right Through Me

Katina Olsen

Katina Olsen

Worked with on Walking into the Bigness

Michael O'Neill

Michael O'Neill

Worked with on The Incorruptible (1996 - Tour)

Tiriki Onus

Tiriki Onus

Worked with on Walking into the Bigness

Rosemary Osmond

Rosemary Osmond

Worked with on Yentl

Nonon Padilla

Worked with on On the North Diversion Road

Garth Paine

Worked with on The Conjurers

Trina Parker

Trina Parker

Worked with on Salt

LeRoy Parsons

LeRoy Parsons

Worked with on Conversations with the Dead

Mark Pegler

Mark Pegler

Worked with on Wolf

Tony Perez

Worked with on On the North Diversion Road

Neil Pigot

Worked with on Rapture

Abe Pogos

Worked with on Strangers in the Night

Virginia Proud

Virginia Proud

Worked with on Yentl

Liz Pulham

Worked with on The Call

Kenneth Ransom

Worked with on Strangers in the Night

Hannie Rayson

Hannie Rayson

Worked with on Cargo - The True Adventures of Mary Bryant

Julie Renton

Julie Renton

Worked with on Look Right Through Me

Josh Reuben

Josh Reuben

Worked with on Yentl

Melodie Reynolds

Worked with on Crow Fire

Matthew Robinson

Matthew Robinson

Worked with on God's Last Acre

Earle Rosas

Worked with on The Call

Jesse Rotumah-Gardiner

Jesse Rotumah-Gardiner

Worked with on Black Medea (Melbourne)

Deidre Rubenstein

Deidre Rubenstein

Worked with on Confidentially Yours

Ivana Sajko

Ivana Sajko

Worked with on WomanBomb

Alex Schepisi

Alex Schepisi

Worked with on The Call

Ian Scott

Worked with on Nightfall

Glenn Shea

Worked with on The Call

Leisa Shelton

Leisa Shelton

Worked with on Porn.Cake

Dennis Simmons

Worked with on Enuff

Ross Skiffington

Worked with on The Conjurers

Kathryn Sproul

Worked with on Sweet Road

Jeremy Stanford

Worked with on The Call

Maya Stange

Maya Stange

Worked with on The Conjurers

Dominique Sweeney

Worked with on Sweet Road

Katie Symes

Katie Symes

Worked with on WomanBomb

David Symons

David Symons

Worked with on Public Dancing

Rachel Szalay

Rachel Szalay

Worked with on The Incorruptible (1996 - Tour)

Eva Tandy

Eva Tandy

Worked with on Porn.Cake

Lauren Taylor

Lauren Taylor

Worked with on Seven Days of Silence

Cain Thompson

Cain Thompson

Worked with on Look Right Through Me

Rachael Tidd

Rachael Tidd

Worked with on Crow Fire

Samantha Tolj

Samantha Tolj

Worked with on God's Last Acre

David Tredinnick

David Tredinnick

Worked with on Strangers in the Night

Sioban Tuke

Sioban Tuke

Worked with on The Incorruptible (1995)

Alana Valentine

Alana Valentine

Worked with on The Conjurers

Vivienne Walshe

Vivienne Walshe

Worked with on God's Last Acre

Peter Webb

Worked with on Public Dancing

Monica Weightman

Monica Weightman

Worked with on Walking into the Bigness

David Wicks

Worked with on The Conjurers

Catherine Wilkin

Catherine Wilkin

Worked with on The Goldberg Variations

Patrick Williams

Patrick Williams

Worked with on Strangers in the Night

Lexie Wood

Worked with on Rapture

John Wood

John Wood

Worked with on The Goldberg Variations

Dylan Young

Dylan Young

Worked with on Moth (2010)